Article ID : 00203075 / Last Modified : 29/06/2022Print

How to connect the Android TV™ or Google TV™ to a hidden network

    Follow the steps below to connect your TV to a hidden 2.4 or 5GHz network.

    1. Open the Settings screen.
    2. The next steps will depend on your TV menu options:
      • Network & InternetAdd new network. (Android 9.0 or later)
      • NetworkNetwork SetupExpertManual entry. (Android 7.0 and Android 8.0)
      • NetworkNetwork SetupExpertWi-FiManual entry. (Android 6.0 or earlier)
    3. Enter the name of the Wi-Fi Network.
      Note: Make sure to type the SSID exactly. Example: SonyLabUS5GHz
    4. Select Type of security.
    5. Enter the network password.