Article ID : 00141651 / Last Modified : 12/11/2024Print

Do Google TV™ and Android TV™ support the use of USB or Bluetooth keyboard and mouse accessories?

    Although there is no guarantee that certain USB or Bluetooth peripherals will work with our Google TVs or Android TVs, some keyboard and mouse accessories can be used. For information on whether your device can be used, please see below:

    • USB keyboard and mouse:
      In general, our Google TVs and Android TVs can recognize the majority of USB keyboard and mouse accessories. However, some functions may not operate as originally intended. For example, the left-click function on a standard mouse will work, but right-clicking the mouse or trying to use the scroll wheel, will not work.
    • Bluetooth keyboard and mouse:
      Currently, we do not have any Bluetooth keyboard and mouse accessories that have been officially tested and confirmed to be operational by Sony. But in general, our Google TVs and Android TVs can recognize the majority of Bluetooth keyboard and mouse accessories. However, some functions may not operate as originally intended.

    Note: When the Auto clock display setting is On (always), the mouse pointer can move, but mouse clicks may not work. Mouse click might be enabled by turning off the Auto clock display setting using the following steps:

    1. On the remote control, press the Quick Settings (spanner or gear) button.
    2. Select SettingsSystemDate & TimeAuto clock displayOn (always) to Off.