Article ID : 00114121 / Last Modified : 23/08/2024Print

When playing or mirroring network content, cannot playback normally such as the speed slows down, stops.

When playing or mirroring network content (video, music, or photo), playback speed slows down, playback stops, repeats reading, block noise appears, or audio is interrupted.

    These problems can occur when the line speed of your network decreases. Many things can cause lower speeds, so check for the following common causes:

    When problems occur with content from the Internet:

    1. Restart your network devices.

      Restarting your network devices (router/wireless router/modem) can often improve the situation.
    2. The Wi-Fi signal between your wireless router and the TV is weak.

      If connecting to wired LAN improves the situation, your Wi-Fi signal might be weak and/or slow. Move the TV and the wireless router closer together and test for improvement. Be aware that bringing them too close can also weaken the signal, so make sure they remain separated by at least 1 meter. Also, other wireless devices might be causing interference. Turn off other wireless devices or separate them from the TV and wireless router. If there is still no improvement, connect the wireless router directly to the TV via LAN cable.
    3. The TV and a different wireless device are using the Internet at the same time.

      This can cause the network line speed of the TV to slow down. Check whether suspending Internet use on other devices improves the situation.
    4. Access to the service provider is busy.

      When the content load continually, try viewing other Internet content. If other content can be viewed smoothly, the provider of the content that continually loads might be busy. Avoid that provider while traffic is high, and try accessing the content later. If other Internet content also continually loads, your Internet service provider might be experiencing high traffic issues. Avoid playing or mirroring network content while access is your Internet service provider is too busy, and check with your provider whether you can access the content later.
    5. The original video quality of the Internet content is bad.

      Video quality might depend on the resolution, bitrate, etc. Low-resolution content will thus appear as poorer quality.

    When problems occur with content from your home network:

    1. Restart your network devices.

      Restarting your network devices (router/wireless router/modem) can often improve the situation.
    2. The Wi-Fi signal between your wireless router and content server is weak.

      If connecting to wired LAN improves the situation, your Wi-Fi signal might be weak and/or slow. Move the wireless router and your content server (the device containing the content) closer together and test for improvement. Be aware that bringing them too close can also weaken the signal, so make sure they remain separated by at least 1 meter.
      Also, other wireless devices might be causing interference. Turn off other wireless devices or separate them from the wireless router and content server.
      If there is still no improvement, connect the wireless router and the content server directly to the TV via LAN cable.
    3. The Wi-Fi signal between your wireless router and the TV is weak.

      If connecting to wired LAN improves the situation, your Wi-Fi signal might be weak and/or slow. Move the TV and the wireless router closer together and test for improvement. Be aware that bringing them too close can also weaken the signal, so make sure they remain separated by at least 1 meter. Also, other wireless devices might be causing interference. Turn off other wireless devices or separate them from the TV and wireless router. If there is still no improvement, connect the wireless router directly to the TV via LAN cable.